Everyone is out there reviewing the newest, hottest, action-packed titles in stores and digital marketplaces today, but we’re going to take a look at a game that doesn’t involve guns, explosions, or next-generation graphics: Untitled Goose Game.
Gamers, of course, needed a good stealth title since they stopped making Splinter Cell games and Hideo Kojima moved on to making weird ghost baby UPS games. Untitled Goose Game, by developer House House, knew they were on to something with the internet when they realized they could use the power of internet memes to propel the fact that they legitimately did not have a title for this game before debuting it.
Gameplay-wise, what else would you expect from a Goose? You walk around doing goose what geese do like flapping their wings, honking, and being as obnoxious as one would assume a goose actually is. In fact, the objectives set forth in the game is to just do annoying goose stuff.
The fun part about this game is you don’t have to worry too much about making mistakes. You can mess up a task and still have plenty of time to think about how you’re going to approach it. It still makes you sweat in a way where you feel like if you get caught, then you’re going right into the villager’s next soup.
Our only qualm with Untitled Goose Game is it’s criminally short. You can finish the game in a couple of hours. However, you do feel fulfilled throughout the game as they really do make you feel as if you’ve accomplished so much through the mayhem you’ve caused. Hopefully they think of releasing a sequel.
When you’re tired of another looter scooter and just want a charming game to play where you can be the horrible person you really are inside, then pick up Untitled Goose Game on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, or PC.
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